Senin, 15 November 2010


A. Goal

1. Know the video camera.
2. Measuring the composite video on a video camera.
3. Determine the parameters of composite video.

B. Used Equipment
Video Camera
1 Oscilloscope 40 MHz and passive probe
An RCA cable connector - BNC (75
W )

C. Circuit diagram

D. Basic Theory

The video camera is a camera used for electronic motion picture acquisition, initially developed by the television industry but now common in other applications as well. The earliest video cameras were those of John Logie Baird, based on the electromechanical Nipkow disk and used by the BBC in experimental broadcasts through the 1930s. All-electronic designs based on the cathode ray tube, such as Vladimir Zworykin's Iconoscope and Philo T. Farnsworth's Image dissector, supplanted the Baird system by the 1940s and remained in wide use until the 1980s, when cameras based on solid-state image sensors such as CCDs (and later CMOS active pixel sensors) eliminated common problems with tube technologies such as burn-in and made digital video workflow practical.

Video cameras are used primarily in two modes. The first, characteristic of much early television, is what might be called a live broadcast, where the camera feeds real time images directly to a screen for immediate observation. A few cameras still serve live television production, but most live connections are for security, military/tactical, and industrial operations where surreptitious or remote viewing is required. The second is to have the images recorded to a storage device for archiving or further processing; for many years, videotape was the primary format used for this purpose, but optical disc media, hard disk, and flash memory are all increasingly used. Recorded video is used in television and film production, and more often surveillance and monitoring tasks where unattended recording of a situation is required for later analysis.

A camcorder (video camera recorder) is an electronic device that combines a video camera and a video recorder into one unit.[1][2][3] Equipment manufacturers do not seem to have strict guidelines for the term usage. Marketing materials may present a video recording device as a camcorder, but the delivery package would identify content as video camera recorder.

In order to differentiate a camcorder from other devices that are capable of recording video, like cell phones and compact digital cameras, a camcorder is generally identified as a portable, self-contained device having video capture and recording as its primary function.[4][5]

The earliest camcorders employed analog recording onto videotape. Digital recording has now become the norm, but tape remained the primary recording media, with tape only being gradually replaced with other storage media including optical disks, hard disk drives and flash memory.

All tape-based camcorders use removable media in form of video cassettes. Camcorders that do not use magnetic tape are often called tapeless camcorders and may use optical discs (removable), solid-state flash memory (removable or built-in) or a hard disk drive (removable or built-in).

Camcorders that permit using more than one type of media, like built-in hard disk drive and memory card, are often called hybrid camcorders.

Modern video cameras have numerous designs, not all of which resemble the early television cameras.

  • Professional video cameras, such as those used in television and sometimes film production; these may be studio-based or mobile. Such cameras generally offer extremely fine-grained manual control for the camera operator, often to the exclusion of automated operation.
  • Camcorders, which combine a camera and a VCR or other recording device in one unit; these are mobile, and are widely used for television production, home movies, electronic news gathering (including citizen journalism), and similar applications. Some digital ones are
    • Pocket video cameras.
  • Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, generally used for security, surveillance, and/or monitoring purposes. Such cameras are designed to be small, easily hidden, and able to operate unattended; those used in industrial or scientific settings are often meant for use in environments that are normally inaccessible or uncomfortable for humans, and are therefore hardened for such hostile environments (e.g. radiation, high heat, or toxic chemical exposure).
    • Webcams can be considered a type of CCTV camera.
    • Some are used in Life Caching.
  • Digital cameras which convert the signal directly to a digital output; such cameras are often small, even smaller than CCTV security cameras, and are often used as webcams or optimized for still-camera use. The majority are incorporated directly into computer or communications hardware, particularly mobile phones, PDAs, and some models of laptop computer. Larger video cameras (especially camcorders and CCTV cameras) can also be used as webcams or for other digital input, though such units may need to pass their output through an analog-to-digital converter in order to store the output or send it to a wider network.
  • Special systems, like those used for scientific research, e.g. on board a satellite or a spaceprobe, or in artificial intelligence and robotics research. Such cameras are often tuned for non-visible radiation for Infrared photography (for night vision and heat sensing) or X-ray (for medical and video astronomy use).

Block diagram that shows how the television camera composite video signal output channel. Here is shown the reflection and focusing the camera tube.

Details of the video signal waveform which is more fully shown by the block diagram. At first, blanking pulses added to signal the camera. They cause the signal amplitude to the black levels so retrace the MRV will not be visible. Further alignment pulses (sync) is inserted. Alignment (synchronization) is required to set the time & MRV horizontal and vertical.

Alignment (synchronization) is required to set the time & MRV horizontal and vertical.
Camera signal with blanking and
synchronization (sync) is called a composite video signal (composite video signal). Sometimes the term is not a composite video signal (noncompoxite video signal) is used to identify the signal with blanking camera but without alignment. Standard output level of the composite video signal from the camera is 1Vpuncak-to-peak (pp = peak to peak) with the alignment pulses in the down position for negative polarity.

E. Experimental Procedure
1. Set-up devices like the picture above, connect the video camera out with input
2. Consolidate his instrument.
3. Set the appropriate CRO to be easily observed (MODE on the TV-H position and / or TV-V). When seeing a wave of horizontal synchronization MODE switch put on the TV-H position, while to see a wave of vertical sync put the MODE switch on the
TV-V position.
4. Determine the synchronization pulses, blanking pulses, front and rear porch, and image information.
5. Image of the wave form and specify

F. Result and Analysis

G. Conclusion

1. Blanking pulse causes the signal amplitude to the black levels so pengulangjejakan (retrace) the MRV will not be visible.
2. Toll-alignment (synchronization) is required to set the time & MRV horizontal and vertical.
3. Alignment between the scanning process on the camera with a TV is called synchronization.
4. The components forming the composite video is 5, namely:
• image signal (luminance signal)
• horizontal blanking pulse
• vertical blanking pulse
• Horizontal synchronization pulse
• Vertical synchronization pulse

Minggu, 14 November 2010

Pattern Generator

Experimental Purposes
1 Getting to know the basic Pattern in the pattern generator.
2 Measuring standard composite video and Voltage on each Pattern.
3 Measuring the modulated wave on the video modulator.
4 Measuring IF video.
Circuit diagram
Tools and materials in used
A Pattern Generator signal TV, LODESTAR CPG-136 74
An Oscilloscope 40 MHz
A Passive Probe
A Power Supply
A BNC to BNC 75Ω cable
A BNC to RCA 75Ω
A T connector

Experimental Procedure
1. Set-up equipment look like in the circuit diagram
2. Connect the Pattern Generator with power source 8, 5 V, and then push ON the instrument.

3. Pattern generator output switches on and observe put on VIDEO waveforms for each pattern.

4. Observe and picture synchronizing signal and horizontal blanking, vertical blanking, front and rear porch, and image information of each pattern
5. Images and specify voltage waveforms.
6. Pattern generator output switches on and observe put in the IF waveform for each pattern and frequency measurement.

7. Image of the wave form and specify voltage.

8. Image signal for one frame (still image) in composite video, determine the level and period.

Basic Theory
A Pattern Generator or Generator Digital Pattern is an electronic testing equipment or software used to generate the stimulation of a digital electronics. Digital electronic stimulation of certain types of electrical wave form varies between two voltages that match the conventional two-logic ('logic low' and 'logic high' or '0 'and the '1'). The main purpose of the digital pattern generator is to stimulate the input of digital electronic devices. A digital pattern generator is a synchronous digital stimulus sources, a pulse generator has the objective to generate electrical pulses of various shapes, they are mostly used for testing in the field of electric or analog.
Various kinds of image patterns in the Pattern Generator are as follows:
a. Dot
To check and adjust the static convergence in the middle of the screen with a low brightness. This should be done according to the television manufacturer's instructions.

b. Crosshatch
Plaid pattern with horizontal lines and vertical lines with the background color of black and white color line.
1) To check and adjust the horizontal and vertical dynamic convergence and the convergence angle.
2) By linearity of deflection the correct horizontal and vertical, horizontal white lines should be a rectangular equilateral.
If this line is not sharp and visible lower intensity than the horizontal line, the amplitude response is possible recipients will not be enough.

c. White
This pattern contains a signal 100% white (without color information) with alternating burst.
1. Images for constant brightness on the entire screen
2. Color picture tube for setting a good white
3. Limitation of fire flow on the color picture tube.
4. For the video recorder is ideal pattern for the current settings. It can also to set the FM demodulator (setting white level).

d. Color
Color beam consists of 8 vertical color bar standard and a reference beam horizontally. Beams 8 colors are arranged in order of depreciation luminance. From left to right beams D color is white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue, and black. This pattern is used to set the operational control of the receiver at the correct position. Horizontal beam (white level) on the bottom of this pattern is used as a standard when set the amplitude of color differences in correlation with luminance signal in the picture tube. Signals can be used for resetting the signal amplitude of the demodulator circuit and the matrix, as the output can be compared with the reference beam. In addition to the above purposes, this pattern can be used to check the overall color appearance. So can also be used checks and settings on the receiver or VCR:
1. Lock Inspection burst.
2. AGC examination of color and which create the color.
3. Examination series reactance of the subcarrier regenerator.
4. Examination of the regenerator subcarrier synchronization.
5. Checking circuit identifier (identification) PAL.
Signal Synchronization
Synchronization signal is a signal that is always given periodically and remains, serves to drive a raster scanning path in every television set so that the formation of the video signal into an image and the exact arrangement will remain the same as the original position in the field of raste camera (picture production), therefore the synchronization signal is always supplied along with the video signal sent anywhere. For the formation of this raster scanning system will require two kinds of synchronization are:
- Namely the horizontal synchronization signal to the horizontal scanning provided at each horizontal retrace.
- Vertical sync signal is for vertical scanning provided on each vertical retrace.

Video signal which is equipped with synchronization signals called the complete video signal (Composite Video signal / CVSl), while for color video signal is called Color Composite Video Signal (CCVS). Because the video signal has been added color information signals, i.e. signals and signal Burst Color Sub Carrier.

1. Voltage at all about the same video system.
2. At the time of the IF mode is turned down because the amplitude of the voltage will also be down
3. IF output frequency is also almost the same because there is no significant difference in amplitude.
4. Tension on the composite video is lower than the voltage on any other video system